Oh how this girl inspires me.

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Oh how this girl inspires me. When I asked her “What/Who is your Beacon?” Here’s @katrina.robert response:
“I believe that at our core, each one of us is brimming with creativity because we were made in the image of the Most Creative One! Our hearts come alive when we can express ourselves freely and understand that we touch His heart so deeply with delight when we discover His nature and ours all at once. I especially love when we can do this within the context of community, where collaboration happens and competition is snuffed because the element of family exists there. ‪#‎createdtocreate‬ ‪#‎buildfamily‬” Also, check out the sweet band she & her husband have ‘Trev+Trin’ http://trevtrin.bandcamp.com/album/trev-trin